More optimistic than ever
It’s travel season, so gas prices are on our minds. Oil prices are high, and travel is expensive. Sometimes we’re tempted to give in to pessimism and despair, as circumstances appear to go from bad to worse. But it helps to keep a couple of things in mind:
First, historical perspective. Oil prices are high (more than $60 per barrel), but about a year ago oil prices were under $20 per barrel. And even at its current price, oil is still far below its all-time inflation-adjusted peak price of nearly $150 per barrel in April 2008.
Second, optimism and thankfulness. Average gas prices always go up during travel season, but they’ll go back down. Consider that, while a gallon of gas costs $2.80, a gallon of Starbucks espresso costs (by my calculation) $259.35. We should never freak out over short-term vicissitudes, and we should remember just how good we’ve got It. Sure, gas costs more now than it did a while back, but we can cruise along a highway in a comfortable car, sipping the most expensive and tastiest beverages in human history while still feeling like it’s a bargain. People of long ago couldn’t have dreamed of such luxury.
We live in an age of abundance—even when it feels like we don’t—and we have the greatest opportunities ever to apply the best perspectives of the ages to the education of our children for Christ. We are in a very advantageous and richly blessed situation (no matter how it appears on Twitter).
The time-honored principles and practices of classical Christian education have proven over the centuries to be the best road to academic excellence and moral development for our children. Knowing this, we don’t let ourselves get tossed around by today’s negative news, trendy thinking, and pop entertainment methodologies.
From the Greeks (who laid the intellectual foundation for Western government, art, and literature through the fine reasoning of logic and the eloquent expression of rhetoric)—to the Romans (who continued building on this academic foundation)—to Christ Himself (of whom Peter and Paul were able to witness effectively to the Greeks and Romans in a logical and eloquent manner), Western learning and civilization have prospered when we’ve kept our eyes focused and our minds trained on the whole wisdom of God, as revealed in Scripture and in the person of Christ.
We’re on the road to a very special and worthwhile destination at Providence Classical Christian School! Even during the summer, a good school is getting better as we prepare for another school year and pursue the truths of which we are certain.
Oil prices will rise and fall, and a Starbucks espresso—at any price—lasts only a moment, but the wisdom of the ages as established and revealed by Jesus Christ will endure forever. All wisdom and knowledge is found in Him, the indescribable gift of God. At Providence, our commitment is to offer your children what they need most in school—the opportunity to grow in wisdom and knowledge, and to know Him from whom it comes. I’m more optimistic than ever that we will fulfill this great vision together.
Enjoy these summer days!